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Admission Details

Two Months Course

Applications are hereby invited for undergoing the-101st-residential YOGA-VEDANTA COURSE of two months' duration, i.e.,from-30th August to 25th October 2024. This Course will be held in the Academy premises at the Headquarters of the Divine Life Society, Shivanandanagar, Rishikesh. Application form duly filled in should reach the undersigned by-31st July 2024.

IT IS OPEN FOR MEN(Indian citizens) ONLY

AGE GROUP: Normally between 20 years and 65 years.

QUALIFICATIONS: Preferably a Graduate. Good knowledge of English.


Click here for..Details.

MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: The medium of instruction is English.

CONDITIONS: Smoking, use of intoxicants and drugs and such other dissipating habits are strictly forbidden. Students are expected to live an austere life in the Ashram and should be mentally prepared and physically sound to stand the rigour of the Course.

The selected candidate alone is expected to come. He is not permitted to bring along any other family member or relative with him.

CLASS ROOM: Students will have to sit in the Lecture Hall on the floor, on a cushion seat cross-legged. A desk will be provided for writing purposes.

ACCOMMODATION: Double-seated room or dormitory will be provided.

FOOD: Strictly vegetarian food will be provided.

FEE: No fee will be charged for training, boarding and lodging, but any voluntary donation will be gratefully accepted.

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