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Articles by Swami Chidananda

Gurudev—An Exemplar of Renunciation

Gurudev—An Exemplar of Renunciation

Feb. 27 | Loving adorations to revered and beloved Holy Master Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj who was a sage established in the great Reality—a state which did not come easily to him. It came by dint of great effort, great austerity, great penance, great...

Swami Sivananda – Personified Synthesis of Dynamism and Renunciation

Swami Sivananda – Personified Synthesis of Dynamism and Renunciation

Feb. 27 | The lives of great men are like so many lights removing the darkness that besets the highway of human progress. Their lofty actions are sources of perennial inspiration, not only to the people of their own immediate times, but for human beings in times...