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Articles by Swami Sivananda

Waste not this Rare Human Birth

Waste not this Rare Human Birth

Jul. 10 | (H.H. SRI SWAMI SIVANANDAJI MAHARAJ) Guru Purnima Message-6th July 1963 (Saturday) Salutations again and again at the Holy Feet of the great Sage, Sri Vyasa Bhagavan or Sri Krishna Dwaipayana, who edited the Vedas, composed the Brahmasutras, and wrote...

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Jan. 1 | GURUDEV’S NEW YEAR MESSAGE EVERY DAY A BETTER PERSONALITY (Sri Swami Sivananda) The dawn of a new year has arrived; the new bud of elusive hope has blossomed again. You have woken up in the cool morning of the virgin year, but find yourself in...

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Jan. 2 | Click the image to enlarge Click the image to enlarge New Year Greeting 2019 Recorded New year Message – Video H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj   [nggallery id=264] New Year Message Sri Swami Sivananda EVERY DAY A BETTER...

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Jan. 1 | Click the image to enlarge Click the image to enlarge New Year Greeting 2018 Recorded New year Message – Video H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj Bhajans, Kirtan & Blessings 2018  New Year Message Sri Swami Sivananda EVERY...



May. 31 | by Sri Swami Sivananda The Ganga is the most sacred river of India. The origin of the Ganga is ascribed to celestial glory. Lord Krishna says in the Gita: “I am the Ganga among rivers”. For a Hindu, the word Ganga has its own sacred association....



Nov. 2 | By H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj PROSTRATIONS and humble salutations to Lord Subramanya, the Supreme Being, who is the ruler of this universe, who is the indweller of our hearts, who is the second son of Lord Siva, who is the beloved of Valli and...

Durga Puja or Navaratri

Durga Puja or Navaratri

Sep. 27 | SALUTATIONS to the Divine Mother, Durga, who exists in all beings in the form of intelligence, mercy, beauty, who is the consort of Lord Shiva, who creates, sustains and destroys the universe. This festival is observed twice a year, once in the month...

The Four Asramas

The Four Asramas

Mar. 5 | There are four Asramas or stages in life, viz., Brahmacharya or the period of studentship, Grihastha or the stage of the householder, Vanaprastha or the stage of the forest-dweller or hermit, and Sannyasa or the life of renunciation or asceticism. Each...

What is Divine Life? Words of wisdom from Swami Sivananda

What is Divine Life? Words of wisdom from Swami Sivananda

Feb. 22 | To shed the animal in man and to sublimate the human in him into the divine, to express this sublimation in his daily, hourly, life in thought, word and deed – that is truly divine life. To speak the truth at all costs, to speak sweetly with love,...