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Siva – The Mystic Night

Siva – The Mystic Night

Mar. 3 | By Swami Krishnananda We conceive God as glory, as creativity and as austerity. Vishnu is glory and magnificence; Brahma is creativity force; and Siva is austerity and renunciation. You might have heard it said that God is the embodiment of six attributes...

The Message of Mahasivaratri

The Message of Mahasivaratri

Mar. 3 | Mahasivaratri is one of the holy days that my guru, Swami Sivananda observed with great intensity and devotion. There are numerous stories in our myths and legends to illustrate the popular belief that Lord Siva is pleased with even unintentional and...

Live Broadcasting

Live Broadcasting

Feb. 1 |   THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY SIVANANDA ASHRAM, HEADQUARTERS Shivanandanagar,Rishikesh-Himalayas Sri Rama Navami Live Broadcasting Videos  

Vishwanath Temple

Vishwanath Temple

Dec. 27 | The Lord Vishwanath Temple The Religious Hub In India, there is a tradition and common practice to have a family deity or Kula-Devata. So, we find a temple in most of the Ashrams and the main Deity of the temple is like the presiding Deity...

Dattatreya Jayanti

Dattatreya Jayanti

Dec. 25 | Dattatreya – The Divine Trinity By Sri Swami Chidananda ( Dattatreya Jayanti Message from the book Awake! Realise Your Divinity!) Worshipful homage unto Dattatreya, the trimurti avatara, the divine son of the austere and illumined Sri Atri Maharshi...

Christmas—Its Spiritual Meaning

Christmas—Its Spiritual Meaning

Dec. 23 | –Swami Sivananda Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the memorable day of the birth of Jesus, the Saviour. Though it is true that Christmas is thus celebrated as the day of the advent of Christ into this world, yet it also...

Christ’s Divine Life

Christ’s Divine Life

Dec. 23 | Swami Chidananda Light of the World, my heart’s adoration to Thee, Lord, and prostrations again and again in utter lowliness of spirit! Glory be to Thee for ever and for ever! Lord Jesus the Christ IS; here and now! Christ is Eternal. He has proclaimed...

Christ To The Spiritual Aspirant

Christ To The Spiritual Aspirant

Dec. 23 | Swami Krishnananda Jesus, the Christ, the Light of the world, the Supreme Logos made visible to the human eye, stands as an unparalleled example and pattern of sacrifice, love, knowledge and realisation of Truth. To the Sadhaka or the spiritual aspirant...

Characteristics of the Teachings of Jesus

Characteristics of the Teachings of Jesus

Dec. 23 | By Swami Krishnananda INTRODUCTORY Godmen appear on earth when the forces governing life take a course counter to the law of the integrity of the universe and the supremacy of the Divine Spirit. The power of the unity of life exerted by these noble souls...

80th Anniversary of Mahamantra

80th Anniversary of Mahamantra

Dec. 22 | Photos Taken During the Celebration of 80th Anniversary of Mahamantra Kirtan in Bhajan Hall, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh-Himalayas.