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Apr. 22 | AnnouncementAll India Divine Life Society Branch MeetingSadhana Shivir and Srimad Bhagavata Katha Yajna organised by Chidananda Shanti Ashram at Chidananda Hermitage Shanti Ashram, Baliguali, Puri, Odisha. By the grace of the Lord Almighty and Worshipful...

60th Punyatithi Aradhana Celebration Images

60th Punyatithi Aradhana Celebration Images

Jun. 10 | Inaugural Function of Special Akhanda Mahamantra Kirtan Felicitation program of the devotees for 60 days Akhanda Mahamantra kirtan Chanting And Cultural Program Manas Parayana and Paavachan Bhagavat Katha and Vedic Chanting 60th Punyatithi...

Chitra Katha (Sivananda’s Life Story in Pictures)

Chitra Katha (Sivananda’s Life Story in Pictures)

Dec. 1 | The Inspiring Life Story of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj in the form of pictures is now available as Swami Sivananda Chitra Katha. You may take a copy and make it your constant companion to ennoble your lives. They are available...



Nov. 1 | Centenary Celebration Videos Centenary Celebration Photos 129th Birth Anniversary celebration of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Pravachan by Dr. J.K Bhattji, Vadodara(Gujarat). 8th Anniversary Punyatithi Aradhana celebration of H.H. Sri Swami...

Christmas – New Year Retreat for Seekers from Abroad

Christmas – New Year Retreat for Seekers from Abroad

Jul. 1 | Retreat Application Accommodation Application . We are happy to announce that The Divine Life Society will be holding its 24th  annual Christmas-New Year Retreat for Seekers from Abroad at its International Headquarters, Sivananda Ashram, near...

The Four Asramas

The Four Asramas

Mar. 5 | There are four Asramas or stages in life, viz., Brahmacharya or the period of studentship, Grihastha or the stage of the householder, Vanaprastha or the stage of the forest-dweller or hermit, and Sannyasa or the life of renunciation or asceticism. Each...

What is Divine Life? Words of wisdom from Swami Sivananda

What is Divine Life? Words of wisdom from Swami Sivananda

Feb. 22 | To shed the animal in man and to sublimate the human in him into the divine, to express this sublimation in his daily, hourly, life in thought, word and deed – that is truly divine life. To speak the truth at all costs, to speak sweetly with love,...

Copyright of all the Books of The Divine Life Society

Copyright of all the Books of The Divine Life Society

Jan. 16 | The Divine Life Society was founded by Most Worshipful Gurudev H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj in the year 1936. The Society has a large number of Branches in India and abroad. Sri Divya Jivan Sanskrutik Sangh, Jodhpur Tekri, Ahmedabad, (Gujarat)...